Running Pace Calculators

Two simple running calculators - pace from time and distance; and time for a specified distance given a particular pace.

Calculate Your Pace from Time and Distance

This calculator will work out your minutes per mile and minutes per kilometer pace based on time and distance. Use it to find out the pace of your latest run, or the pace you need to hit to complete a specified distance in a particular time.


Input the duration of your run (or the time you're aiming for) using the dropdowns for hours, minutes and seconds. Select or specify the distance of your run. Hit the Calculate Pace button.

Two things to look out for: first, the run distance text input has priority (if you specify a distance, then the calculator will just ignore the selected distance in the dropdown - the default value of which is 1 km); second, if you specify a distance, then it must be numerical - e.g., 21.1km - not 'half-marathon'.

Pace from Time & Distance

Run Duration:  Hours  Minutes  Seconds

Run Distance (Select): 


Run Distance (Input):   

Input your time and distance above, then press Calculate Pace.

Calculate Time for a Distance from Your Pace

This calculator will work out how long it'll take you to run a specified distance given a particular pace. Use it to figure out a realistic target time for your next race.


Input your target pace using the dropdowns for minutes and seconds. You need to select whether you're working in miles or kilometers. The calculator defaults to miles. Select or specify the distance of your run. Hit the Calculate Time button.

Two things to look out for: first, the run distance text input has priority (if you specify a distance, then the calculator will just ignore the selected distance in the dropdown - the default value of which is 1 km); second, if you specify a distance, then it must be numerical - e.g., 21.1km - not 'half-marathon'.

Time from Pace and Distance

Target Pace:   Minutes  Seconds, Per

Run Distance (Select): 


Run Distance (Input):   

Input your pace and distance above, then press Calculate Time.

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